Kanon Wakeshima new album Shojo Jikake no Libretto - Lolitawork Libretto

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Kanon Wakeshima Lolitawork Libretto ~Storytelling by solita

Kanon Wakeshima Lolitawork Libretto ~Storytelling by solita

Kanon Wakeshima (分島花音) is a Japanese Cellist and singer famous for her Visual-kei style and Gothic Lolita street fashion. Kanon released her first debut album "Shinshoku Dolce" in February 2009.

Kanon second album "Shojo Jikake no Libretto" is her anticipated album. The album includes the digital singles Tomei no Kagi (the theme song of the online game Avalon no Kagi) and Onjo no March. The title track will feature a French vocalist Solita, daughter of French singer Clementine. A concert tour of Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka will follow the album release.

However, the world premiere of this album will be at Japan Expo in Paris, France. Wasabi Records will be selling copies at their booth on July 1st. Although her first album was produced fully by Moi Dix Mois's Mana, Lolitawork Libretto is only partly produced by the well-known guitarist and fashion designer.

Artist : Kanon Wakeshima 分島花音
Album : Shojo Jikake no Libretto - Lolitawork Libretto
Released Date : 28 July 2010
Language : Japanese
Publisher : Defstar Records

Track List:

01. シェークスピアの忘れ物 ~プロローグ~ Shakespeare no Wasuremono -Prologue-
02. 果実の警告 Kajitsu no Keikoku
03. 読書家姫君 Heroine Syndrome
04. twinkle star !
05. 透明の鍵 Tomei no Kagi
06. マーマレードスカイ Marmalade Sky
07. 黒猫とピアニストのタンゴ Kuroneko to Pianist no Tango
08. プリンセスチャールストン Princess Charleston
09. Tree of Sorrow
10. celmisia
11. 音女のマーチ Otome no March
12. シェークスピアの忘れ物~エピローグ~ Shakespeare no Wasuremono -Epilogue-
13. 少女仕掛けのリブレット~Storytelling by solita~ LOLITAWORK LIBRETTO -Storytelling by solita-

Watch Kanon Wakeshima single Lolitawork Libretto ~Storytelling by solita~ PV Video

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